Saturday, July 11, 2009


Potty training. I don't know about you, but that's one word I can't stand! Or, maybe it's not the word I don't care for but the whole process that just wears me out! With Trinity we tried and tried to get her potty trained starting at about 18 months. We were all three stressed, none of us enjoyed it, we ran out of ways to make it fun and exciting, and she is WAY smarter than the two of us combined, so she outsmarted every thing we came up with! We finally just gave up on it all together and decided it could wait and wasn't worth all that stress. Then about a week before school started and she was to be in the big 3's class, I found out she was supposed to be potty trained in order to start...UGH! I shared this frustrating bit of information with her, she wouldn't be able to go back to school and play with her friends or see her favorite teacher unless she was in big girl panties and was going peepee and poopoo in the potty. Well, that's all it took! Ten minutes later she was done with diapers and never looked back! Seriously?...that's all it took?!?!

Then along came Emory's turn. This time I knew it would be different! The girls had such different personalities, this was gonna be a breeze! Well at 18 months we jumped in with both feet and put her in big girl panties for all day. I just knew that after one or two days of this she would be done! Yeah right...that was wishful thinking! We struggled for a few days, then I decided to wait a little while. A few months later we tried again, no further success than the last attempt. UGH! Finally, one day right after she turned three she just decided to do it. She put away her diapers and never looked back!

Now, it's Addison's turn. I have learned my lesson, no stressin about this, they'll do it on their own, when they're ready! After all, they're not going to go to Kindergarten in diapers, are they?!?! She started expressing interest in it a few months ago and would take herself in to sit on the potty multiple times a day, but never ever had any success. We (mostly Addison, but I was a willing and supportive participant) decided we would try a day in big girl panties. Within the first two hours she'd had three accidents and was DONE! And by done I mean she demanded a diaper and wanted nothing to do with all that mess!

Well, today she had stayed dry from about 9:30am till about 5pm (yes, I know that means she hasn't had enough to drink), but I told her if she would sit on the potty and go peepee then she could put on Elmo panties when we got home. Now, keep in mind, she has NEVER, EVER had any success on the potty! Well, the Elmo panties thing was all it took. She took her lollipop in and sat down and within a minute she was going! There was a huge party, we all celebrated, and as soon as we got home she grabbed her panties! Woo hoo!!!! This of course does not mean we are any where near potty independent...but it is a breakthrough of massive proportions and I'LL TAKE IT!

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