I have a couple of random pictures of Emory and some really funny videos, so here is a post all about her. She is such a girlie girl! Seriously, she takes a purse with her everywhere she goes (it's one of my old ones, so she calls it her grown-up purse) and she fills it with all the necessities. This morning when I helped her clean it out she was very insistent we kept her cell phones (yes, that's plural because she has a lot of people to talk to), all of her lipstick (which she ALWAYS has on. She's better at getting it on her lips than most make-up artists), keys, gum (she chews gum almost non-stop these days), rubber bands (not sure what that's about) and money. She is still the most kind-hearted and sweet person I think I have ever met, but she is oozing with a little more sass each and every day. Last week Greg was correcting her behavior and she said, "Daddy,
please stop speaking to me that way. I just don't like it." Okay, seriously she's barely three! At least she was polite about saying she didn't want to do things his way:) Her favorite past time is cheering. It's really more of a cheer/hip-hop thing, but she's actually really good at it. She is CRAZY coordinated! We have discovered more of her personality is really black and white. It's amazing how this influences her view of the world. She is doing really well at recognizing letters and numbers and at her one-to-one ratios (that means counting objects for all you non-education majors out there) because they just are what we tell them they are, she doesn't question why they are the letters or numbers we tell her, she just accepts it, memorizes it and moves on. She is also really grasping spirituality because of the whole b/w perspective; she says some amazing prayers every night and the other day said something along the lines of God is in my heart and all around me, you can see God when I'm nice to other people. It really seemed like she understood what she was saying, not simply repeating what other people had told her. It does get frustrating when we tell her her food or drink is warm, not hot and not cold; she just doesn't get it. We will go on and on with her about how it's warm and in her mind that's just not an option, if it's not hot, then it's cold. She's going to be awesome at math and science!
Okay, so back to what you really came to see, here are a couple of cute pictures of Emory and all her sass:
Here are a couple of videos of her dancing. These were a couple of months ago, before she started her daily cheering sessions- I'll try to get some of those on here too.
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